Smartphone with OLED display
OLED display on smart phones is not a modern technology but they have emerged more in last few years with a much brighter screen, sleek design, more adequate and unique added features. These modish smart phones are more power efficient and are available at competent rates.
The impressive individual LED’s in the OLED panel transmit their own light that expends profound black and vigorous colours. Due to its subtle features, it is unquestionably a smart phone of the future.
OLED Market Trend and Market report
OLED smart phone demands are skyrocketing because of their leading technology. Research says that makers will be setting in motion foldable OLED smart phones that will vigorously spoil the market of Tablet PC. The company foresees the first foldable phone’s dual OLED displays 5.2″ and 7.2″ display on the inner side and a further small bar type display on the outer side. Their production is going on in rich quantity.
Highlights of the OLED display smart phone’s market report:
- Look for growth and opportunities for investment.
- Get updates on the information available for OLED display smart phones from the global market.
- Important details like cost, display of product, demand and supply data and different applications are included in the report.
- Power of decision making depends on previous and forecast data.
- Gaining perspective on the market development.
- Plan business strategies on the basis of research of previous smart phone market and OLED display smart phone market segment.
OLED Smartphone Forecast 2022
- Due to rise in demand, millions of OLED smart phones will be sold this year and the demand will quickly grow in abundance by the year 2022.
- According to market circular, the sale will increase from $428 million in 2017 to $1.27 billion by 2022.
Cost Structure Analysis
The OLED Smartphone market report gives a clear idea of its current situation in the market that includes its emerging demand, prediction of cost-effectiveness, technological advancement, leading OLED display suppliers etc.
The market of OLED display smart phones is increasing at a CAGR of 26% for the projection duration of 2015-2023.
Apple the world leader in electronics has invested $2.70 billion in LG Display the supplier of the OLED display to create an OLED panel for Apple.
The market is full of competent of OLED display smart phone suppliers. Due to its rising demand and production, the suppliers are in big competition and offering these smart phones at competitive rates. The famous and highly competitive OLED display suppliers are:
- LG Display
- Samsung
Growth Opportunities
The OLED display merchandise is expanding axiomatically. The OLED market covers four leading areas in the world. The Asia Pacific is the dominant leader in selling OLED display smart phones and generating the highest revenue for the projection period of 2016-2023.
Many OLED display suppliers like LG Display, Samsung and others are broadening their financing in OLED technology. Due to consumer’s increasing demand for electronics, Asia Pacific is expected to amplify its sale at a faster pace for the forecast of 2018-20123.
OLED smart phones accelerated demand and extended features are definitely a good idea for the growth of your business. The market report of OLED display smart phones helps you analyse its technology, applications, investment opportunities and another important market segment.
Author Bio:
Julie Smith is a marketing manager at New Vision Display (NVD), based out of California, is a global leader in manufacturing custom display and touch technologies for small and medium-sized applications in the automotive, medical, industrial, consumer & communications markets. NVD’s expertise custom display, touch panel and cover the lens and ITO glass products with nearly 30 years of industry experience.